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2025-02-14 05:58:11人气:365编辑:梅文

宾客止步 Guest go no further(Staff only)

出口处 Export(Exit)

小心落水 Be careful: falling water(小心掉落水)

退货处 Goods return(Refunds)

存包处 Bag keeping(Luggage Center)

北京欢迎你 Beijing welcome you(Welcome to Beijing)

电话预约 Telephone be speak(Phone Reservations)

北京国际机场的紧急出口上标有"平时禁止入内"的牌子,对照英文却写成"No entry on peacetime"(和平时期禁止入内)。

北京中华民族园是介绍中国各少数民族文化习俗的公园,牌子上的英文却被写成"Racist Park"(种族主义公园)。


例如,不少菜谱把"铁板牛肉"翻译成"有皱纹的铁牛肉"Corrugated iron beef);"宫堡鸡"则被翻译成"政府虐待鸡"(Government abuse chicken);而"生鱼块"成了"砍那陌生的鱼"(Chop the strange fish)。

麻婆豆腐 应译成"Mapo Tofu"不能翻译成“满脸雀斑的女人制作的豆腐(beancurd made by a pockmarked woman)”

陈皮 Chen's skin

干姜 Fuck The Ginger

远志 Far Ambition

干货(店) Fuck Goods

青山绿,星火毁 Green, the blue mountain brings; destruction, the spark leads to

一次性用品 A Time Sex Thing

进入景区,请注意防火 No naked fire here, please

保护环境从我做起 Protect CircumStance begin with me

请勿喧哗 No Louding

小心地滑 S;ip carefully

有您的参与,垃圾不会无家可归 If you would like to join us, rubbish will never be homeless

限高三米 The limit is high 3 rice

文明的游览行为,景区靓丽的风景 Civilized behavior of tourists is another bright scenery

留住花的美,体现您的美 Keep the flowers in the trees and show you are gentlemen

小心碰头 meet carefully

前方施工,注意安全! Be Careful! Now Here Is Working On.

This stair specializes in visitors downstairs, Thanks for your cooperation

当心滑跌 Take care of your slip

检票处 Tickets Examining Wicket

舒适便利是我们对您的承诺。英文翻译为:Comfortable,convenient is we to your commitment。 应该是“our commitment to you”

“解放路”直译成“Jiefang Lu”,而不意译成“Jiefang Street”,


“eyehospital”,成了“眼医院”。应当翻译为“Oph thalmologyHospital”或者是“HospitalofOph thalmology”


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